Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Birthday Party for Jesus! Lets Wear Birthday Hats!

 What You Need: 
Birthday Party Hat
Print bible verse on paper
 Use bible verse: God has given a son to us- Isaiah 9:6
Zig Zag Scissors (Optional)

What You Do:
Type bible verse on print paper (I used Comic Sans)
Cut around the verse with zig zag scissors to make it fun looking!
Tape on front of the hat
Talk about the bible verse with the children and what it means
Have children wear the hat and celebrate the birthday party! :) 

Away in a Manger

What You Need:
Yellow Strips of Construction Paper 
Printed out baby Jesus (Optional: find on word)  
Brown Crayons  
Yellow Star Sticker 
Glue (Optional)
What You Do: 
Have the children color the envelope brown for the manger
Help the children put glue on the inside of the envelope- place yellow hay inside
Glue baby Jesus picture in the envelope
   Have the children stick the yellow star on top of the envelope