Friday, August 30, 2013

Article Summary: School Readiness!

Source: Elkind, A. (2011). School readiness. Retrieved from

Article Summary: When thinking of school readiness different types of definitions come to mind. Having basic knowledge such as numbers, colors, shapes and letters is one way one can identify school readiness. Age can also be a factor; such as what developmental level should they be at a certain age. Readiness can also being defined by the maturity of the child at a certain age level. While all of these ideas make sense school readiness leans in a different direction. It has to do with the social, emotional and intellectual growth of a child connected with the goals the specific program or school is trying to reach. The standards of schools keep becoming higher, the goal is to become better but this could be sacrificing the quality of education. If it is about being better than other schools it takes time away from the preparation children need. Pre-school and programs such as Head Start is helpful for children to learn academic and social skills, but we have to remember the parent is the child’s first teacher. It is found children grow social maturity through play with other children. There are many ways school readiness can be defined, it is important as childcare workers to help children reach their potential and help them become ready for school to the best of their ability.   

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